Tuesday 11 February 2014


Well I never expected to write another blog post so soon after starting one. I like to let the creative juices flow... woah, wait, f**k.... backtrack... I like to let my imagination run so I don't become stale and my posts on social media (and wherever else it lands) is humorous, insightful or, at the least, not completely lame. But I just so happened to see a TBH just now and thought, "You know what? This is the sort of crap that I should blog about. I've done worse with my vlogs and everyone thinks it, but no one says it."

So here we go with the first of what I am sure is to be many, Rage blogs...

TBH - To Be Honest. To be friggen honest with you, I don't believe you even know the person who you just wrote a TBH for! "I like that we go to the same school" is not, I repeat NOT, a TBH. It quite metaphorically and if it could, literally screams "I have no idea who you are, just your face, just your entity." *does a wavy hand motion in the shape of a body* A TBH should be something that you spend some time thinking about. Think back to at least one memory that you share with that person. And if that fails, go for something like a compliment. A "I like that you are a funny person" at least sounds as if it could be a TBH and not some "Who is this person I have added? Oh yeah, that guy!"

This also applies for "Like for a Like" and whatever else you can think of. If you are so bored - whether it be from taking selfies at work, sitting at home doing nothing but refresh your social media application on your device every five seconds just to see what someone else is doing with their day - GO AND DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING! For the love of all that is great and good, just don't sit there and cry for attention and then show how little you know about the people around you.

...Phew, now that was exhausting. You know that feeling when you need to get something off your chest? Yeah, that one. Now you're probably thinking, "But Tyler, you're rage-blogging about s**t". Well highly observant and intellectual individual, you came here, you made it to -->here<--, so clearly you wanted to see how this turned out. It's time for you to turn back. I make no promises when I blog that things will be full of fluffy Furbies and candy. This is a place of cursing, observing the truth, and black magic through the medium of software. If you can't handle the truth.... well then... <insert witty comeback>.

This public announcement is brought to you by the Underground Nazi Movement... but not really...

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